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How Create New Query

  1. Buat file kelas baru di app/CustomizeBadasoGraphQL/ExampleQueryField::class

namespace App\CustomizeBadasoGraphQL;

use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use Uasoft\Badaso\Module\Graphql\Core\Abstracts\BaseFieldAbstract;

class ExampleQueryField extends BaseFieldAbstract
public function getName(): string
// name query
return 'exampleFieldQuery';

public function getType()
// get the previously registered example type
return $this->generate_graphql->getCustomizeDataType('example_type');

// or create new type
// return new \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType([
// 'name' => 'example_type',
// 'fields' => [
// 'company_name' => [
// 'type' => \GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type::string(),
// ],
// 'library_name' => [
// 'type' => \GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type::string(),
// ],
// 'module_name' => [
// 'type' => \GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type::string(),
// ]
// ]
// ]);

public function getArgs(): array
// parsing parameter for query
return [
'parameter1' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()),

public function resolve($objectValue, $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info)
// show results
return [
'company_name' => 'Uasoft Indonesia',
'library_name' => 'Badaso',
'module_name' => 'Badaso GraphGL',
  1. Daftarkan nama kelas di config badaso-graphql-customize.php on the type
'query' => [